Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a highly common problem, affecting pretty much every man at one point or another. It has a profound effect on mood, feelings of self worth and quality of life, leading to anxiety and/or depression. Although traditionally linked to older men and health issues, ED is rapidly increasing in frequency and has become a common problem even in young men. The topic we will address in this article is whether red light can be of any use to the condition.
ED Basics
Light Therapy helps ED?
Blood Flow
Recommended Products
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The information contained in this article is not intended or implicitly suggested to be an alternative for professional diagnoses, or profesionally recommended treatments & medical advice. Absolutely all of the content, including the article text itself, images, comments and other information, contained on this web page is for non-specific information purposes only. We strongly suggest that one should never ignore professional health/medical advice and we strongly suggest that one must not delay seeking a professionally recommended medical treatment because of information attained via reading this article/website. The products sold or recommended on this web site are absolutely not for the diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment or alleviation of any specific disease, injury or disability.
Erectile dysfunction basics
The causes of erectile dysfunction (ED) are numerous, with the most likely cause for an individual depending on their age. We won’t go into these in detail as they are too numerous, but it breaks down into 2 main categories:
Mental impotence
Also known as psychological impotence. This type of neurotic social performance anxiety usually stems from previous negative experiences, forming a vicious cycle of paranoid thoughts that cancel arousal. This is the main cause of dysfunction in younger men, and for various reasons is rapidly increasing in frequency.
Physical/hormonal impotence
Various physical and hormonal issues, usually as a result of general ageing, can lead to problems down there. This was traditionally the leading cause of erectile dysfunction, affecting older men or men with metabolic issues like diabetes. Drugs like viagra have been the go-to solution.
Whatever the cause, the end result involves a lack of blood flow into the penis, a lack of retention and thus an inability to start and maintain an erection. Conventional drug treatments (viagra, cialis, etc.) are the first line of defense offered by medical professionals, but are by no means a healthy long term solution, as they will upregulate nitric oxide’s effects (aka ‘NO’ – a potential metabolic inhibitor), stimulate unnatural blood vessel growth, harm unrelated organs such as eyes, and other bad things…
Can red light help with impotence? How does the efficacy and safety compare to drug based treatments?
Erectile Dysfunction – and Red Light?
Red and infrared light therapy (from appropriate sources) is studied for a wide variety of issues, not just in humans but many animals. The following potential mechanisms of red/infrared light therapy are of particular interest to erectile dysfunction:
This is the technical term for ‘more blood flow’, due to dilation (increase in diameter) of blood vessels. The opposite is vasoconstriction.
Many researchers note that vasodilation is stimulated by light therapy (and also by various other physical, chemical and enivornmental factors – the mechanism by which the dilation comes about is different for all the different factors though – some good, some bad). The reason that improved blood flow helps erectile dysfunction is obvious, and is necessary if you want to cure ED. Red light could potentially stimulate vasodilation through these mechanisms:
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Commonly thought of as a metabolic waste product, carbon dioxide is actually a vasodilator, and the end result of respiration reactions in our cells. Red light supposedly acts to improve that reaction.
CO2 is one of the most potent vasodilators known to man[2], easily diffusing from our cells (where it is produced) into blood vessels, where it interacts almost instantly with smooth muscle tissue to cause vasodilation. CO2 plays a significant systemic, almost hormonal, role across the body, affecting everything from healing to brain function[2-5].
Improving your CO2 levels by supporting glucose metabolism (which red light, amongst other things, does) is crucial to solve ED. It also plays a more local role in areas it is produced, making direct groin and perineum light therapy of interest for ED[6]. In fact, an increase in CO2 production can lead to a 400% increase in local blood flow.
CO2 also helps you to produce more NO[11], another molecule related to ED, not just at random or in excess, but just when you need it:
Nitric Oxide
Mentioned above as a metabolic inhibitor, NO actually has various other effects on the body, including vasodilation[3,7]. NO is produced from arginine (an amino acid) in our diet by an enzyme called NOS. The problem with too much sustained NO (from stress/inflammation, environmental pollutants, high-arginine diets, supplements) is it can bind to respiratory enzymes in our mitochondria, preventing them from using oxygen. This poison-like effect prevents our cells from producing energy and carrying out basic functions. The main theory explaining light therapy is that red/infrared light might be able to photodissociate NO from this position, potentially allowing mitochondria to function normally again (see Fig 4.).
NO doesn’t only act as an inhibitor though, it plays a role in erection/arousal responses[8,9] (which is the mechanism exploited by drugs like viagra). ED is specifically linked to NO[10]. Upon arousal, NO generated in the penis leads to a chain reaction. Specifically, NO reacts with guanylyl cyclase, which then increases production of cGMP. This cGMP leads to vasodilation (and thus erection) via several mechanisms. Of course, this whole process isn’t going to happen if the NO is bound to the respiratory enzymes, and so appropriately applied red light potentially shifts the NO from a harmful effect into a pro-erection effect.
Removing the NO from mitochondria, via things like red light, is also key to increasing mitochondrial CO2 production again. As mentioned above, Increased CO2 will help you produce more NO, when you need it. So it’s like a virtuous circle or a positive feedback loop. The NO was blocking aerobic respiration – once liberated, normal energy metabolism can proceed. The normal energy metabolism helps you use and produce NO at more appropiate times/areas – something key to curing ED.
Hormonal improvement
As we’ve discussed in another blog post, red light used appropriately may aid in maintaining natural testosterone levels. While testosterone is actively involved in libido (and various other aspects of health), it plays a vital, direct role in erection. Low testosterone is one of the main causes of erectile dysfunction in men. Even in men with psychological impotence, an increase in testosterone levels (even if they were already in the normal range) can break the cycle of dysfunction. While endocrine problems aren’t necessarily as simple as targetting a single hormone, light therapy seems of interest in this area.
Not necessarily something you would link to ED, thyroid hormone status is actually a primary factor[12]. In fact, bad thyroid hormone levels are detrimental to all aspects of sexual health, in men and women[13]. Thyroid hormone stimulates metabolism in all cells of the body, in a similar way to red light, leading to improved CO2 levels (which mentioned above – is good for ED). Thyroid hormone is also the direct stimulus that the testes need to start producing testosterone. From this perspective, thyroid is a sort of master hormone, and seems to be the root cause of everything linked to physical ED. Weak thyroid = low testosterone = low CO2. Improving thyroid hormone status through diet, and even perhaps through light therapy, is one of the first things that should be attempted by men wanting to address their ED.
Another key hormone in the impotence world. High prolactin levels literally kill an erection[14]. This is best shown by how prolactin levels skyrocket in the refractory period after orgasm, significantly reducing libido and making it hard to ‘get it up’ again. That’s just a temporary issue however – the real problem is when baseline prolactin levels rise over time due to mixture of diet and lifestyle influences. Essentially your body can be in something similar to that post-orgasmic state permanently. There are several ways to tackle long term prolactin issues, including by improving thyroid status.
Red, Infrared? What’s the best?
Going by the research, the most commonly studied lights output either red or near-infrared light – both are studied. There are several factors to consider on top of that though:
Various wavelengths have a potent effect on our cells, but there’s more to consider. Infrared light at 830nm penetrates much deeper than light at 670nm for example. The 670nm light is thought to be more likely to dissociate NO from mitochondria though, which is of particular interest for ED. Red wavelengths also showed better safety when applied to the testes, which is important here too.
What to avoid
Heat. Applying heat to genital area is not a good idea for men. Testes are extremely sensitive to heat and one of the primary functions of the scrotum is heat regulation – maintaining a temperature lower than normal body temperature. This means any source of red/infrared light that also emits a significant amount of heat will not be effective for ED. Testosterone and other measures of fertility helpful to ED will be harmed by inadvertently heating the testes.
Blue & UV. Extended exposure of blue and UV light to the genital area will have negative effects on things like testosterone and in the long-term general ED, due to the harmful interactions of these wavelengths with mitochondria. Blue light is sometimes reported as beneficial for ED. It’s worth noting that blue light is linked to mitochondrial and DNA damage in the long term, so, like viagra, probably has negative long-term effects.
Using a source of red or infrared light anywhere on the body, even unrelated areas like the back or arm for example, as a proactive anti-stress therapy for extended periods (15mins+) is something that many online have noticed beneficial effects from on ED and also morning wood. It seems that a large enough dose of light anywhere on the body, ensures molecules like CO2 produced in the local tissue enter the blood stream, leading to the beneficial effects mentioned above in other areas of the body.
- Red & Infrared light may be of interest to erectile dysfunction
- Various potential mechanisms including CO2, NO, testosterone.
- More research required to confirm.
- Red (600-700nm) seems slightly more appropriate but NIR too.
- Absolutely best range may be 655-675nm
- Do not apply heat to the genital area
Recommended light for ED
- Laser light – a new, non invasive treatment for Erectile Dysfunction: a placebo-controlled, single blinded pilot study. Y. Yacobi M.D., A. Sidi M..D. –
- J Physiol, 2011. The cerebrovascular response to carbon dioxide in humans. A. Battisti-Charbonney
Reivich M. Arterial PCO2 and cerebral hemodynamics. Am J Physiol. 1964; 206: pp. 25–35.
- C Iadecola. Does nitric oxide mediate the increases in cerebral blood flow elicited by hypercapnia? Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1992
- Kontos HA. Analysis of vasoactivity of local pH, PCO2 and bicarbonate on pial vessels. Stroke. 1977.
- Lohr NL. Enhancement of nitric oxide release from nitrosyl hemoglobin and nitrosyl myoglobin by red/near infrared radiation: potential role in cardioprotection. J Mol Cell Cardiol
- J Appl Physiol 1985. Joyner MJ. Nitric oxide and vasodilation in human limbs.
- Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2001 The role of nitric oxide in penile erection. Cartledge J.
- Pharmacol Ther. 2005. Nitric oxide and penile erectile function. Toda N.
- J Clin Hypertens 2006. The role of nitric oxide in erectile dysfunction: implications for medical therapy. Burnett AL.
- Carbon dioxide enhances nitration of surfactant protein A by activated alveolar macrophages. Sha Zhu. 2000.
- Erectile Dysfunction in Patients with Hyper- and Hypothyroidism: How Common and Should We Treat? GE Krassas – 2008.
- Effects of hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and thyroid autoimmunity on female sexual function. A Oppo – 2011.
- Hyperprolactinemia and Erectile Dysfunction. SI Zeitlin – 2000.
What is the best source of red or infrared light? is it a simple red incandescent light bulb?
That’s one broad spectrum source that also outputs a lot of heat too. It’s hard to know how many mW/cm2 of bioactive light will actually be hitting your skin from those though.
LEDs and lasers are the most well studied narrowband sources.
Hello. I realize that heat from a Level 4 Red laser would be contraindicated for erectile dysfunction.
However , since there has been clear. efficacy of this same light therapy for soft tissue. does it also correspond to very short duration of Level 4 Red Light (say 3 to 4 seconds) on penile tissue?
Thank you
I’m not sure about that….but why use lasers with various safety concerns and contraindications when LEDs are much safer and more effective.
I go naked in a tanning bed type red light therapy my penis got very erect is this normal?
It happens to some people. Longer sessions or more overall light energy is more likely to cause this. Bigger lights such as our Combo Bodylight for example.
There is a double vasodilation effect from red light therapy – more CO2 production, and a movement of nitric oxide from mitochondria and into the blood. Both of these molecules are vasodilatory.
Okay why do you say at the end Do not apply heat to the genital area. But your whole report is about heat on the penis. You don’t make any sense
The article is about red light therapy for erectile dysfunction. Your summary of the article being about ‘heat on the penis’ is not true and implies you haven’t actually read it. Red light therapy is not ‘heat’.
Red and near infrared light therapy should have a very minor radiant warmth. Not enough to cause any significant tissue heating.
Using red light in the genital area makes sense. Applying a source of heat does not.
When you say “apply directly”… What do you mean? What’s the distance of the light to the tesicles ? I have a low heat LED light.
Or you said “apply” not “directly apply”.
The distance one might considering using a low heat / low EMF light depends on the power density. The distance that gives a power density of between 20 & 200mW/cm² is most appropriate according to studies.
You can measure the power density of your light with an optical power sensor for example.
Is the use of Red light and or blue light clear via FDA for ED or considered alternative?
I am a very healthy 74 year old male who is married to a beautiful women for over 52 years (we like each other) We are both still working full time in our own business. Problem 1; 3 years ago I was diagnosed with high risk prostate cancer, I had hormone therapy (testorone blocker) and 10 weeks of radiation. Cancer is in remission, I feel fine, like to work. Problem 2; have a hard time getting an retaining an erection. I don’t like the pills and the injections are too expensive. We just happen to own a Skin Care Spa. In this Spa we own several LED light machines. When we bought them we did our research and they are the most powerful LED devices available for Skin Care. 4200mw/cm2 7.2 joules per second, with a lamberton lens and a high pulsation rate, We have seen remarkable anti aging results on the skin as well as for pain relief. We have also used it for other things that we won’t say because it is way out of the scope of our license, (reversing baldness, and reversing some eye conditions to name a few) I just thought of this for ED a few days ago and found this web site. What do you think my dosage should be. Since I have just started applying this, I have no results to report.
Hey Bill, thanks for the comment. 4200mW/cm² sounds mental – that’s way over the range in any study I’ve seen – 10 to 20 times more. Have you got a link to that product? Is the 4200 figure at a particular distance from the light source?
I’m not sure of the best dosage exactly for ED. It sounds like you have other factors at play that are working against erection, such as the testosterone blocker you mention and just age in general.
Go to it has different settings also it has infra red built into it. The hand held piece attaches to a console that has the control settings. It is a pretty pricey device. ($5 to 10k). We have been using it for over 10 years. It is the standard in the skin care industry, nothing else touches it. It works like a miracle for Plantar Fasciitus. a couple of times a day for ten minutes, gone in 2 to 3 days. Have seen results for shingles as well, especially the pain after the blisters are gone.
Thanks Bill. Which one is it you have? They don’t have any specs on the site. One product mentions 22mW/cm2 peak output, which is on the very low end of the effective densities, but it doesn’t say at which distances from the LEDs that is. There’s no way any of those products output 4200mW/cm2, because they obviously don’t have the heat management (fans/heat sinks/ etc) which would be required. You would need something that uses around 300-500 watts with that light funneled into a small treatment area to reach those ultra high densities.
Ten minute sessions for skin treatment implies a weak device. The wavelengths they use in general seem off too. 940nm infrared for example is about 100nm higher than you want, since above 900nm it is getting blocked by water and barely being absorbed by cytochrome. 625nm is good but research indicates that 660 or 670nm wavelengths would potentially be better for ED.
$5-10k for any of those seems like daylight robbery. I don’t doubt you can get an ROI if using them in a clinic and charging clients per session, but the production costs for anything on that site is probably at max about $60.
You can measure the power density yourself with an ‘optical power sensor’ and I recommend you do. Measuring the watt consumption from the wall is also a good way to know.
Lol Bill is suddenly uninterested in continuing the conversation…
It seems to me that the smartest and quickest solution for Bill would be to purchase the best devise from Red-Light-Man and get busy with it. The cost is very affordable and the support is right here. Plus, the portability of the smaller devices makes using them convenient.
Wow! I haven’t thought of red light as a way to treat impotence. I’m just curious, how effective is this treatment? Of course in any treatment, there is also some failure rate. How about in red light treatment, how many percent of men are expected to not respond to this kind of therapy? Thanks.
It is not exactly clear as to how effective it will be for different people with different causes of impotence.
I wouldn’t describe any application as a ‘failure’ even in extreme cases as it is always potentially contributing to health on the cellular level, even if a few sessions doesn’t fully cure the impotence.
Large doses of red or near-infrared light anywhere on the body seem to help with vasodilation (via CO2 and NO mechanisms) which may have some positive effect on impotence.
Hi so just wondering if going in front of redight 650mm or NIR 850 is okay to direct on penis or should only go on back
You can use it ‘direct on penis’, sure. No issue there.
There only issue with the male genitals is that they are sensitive to heat (not the penis, but the testes).
Over time with a powerful light therapy device, you will notice a minor skin warming effect.
Therefore you should keep to a short session time on the testes/scrotum (about 2-3 minutes), or use a fan or some other way to maintain a cooler skin temperature down there.
Eureka! I’ve been researching this for treating Peyronies Disease. Correction, it’s not a disease, it’s a condition. Plaque forming due from trauma. I fell from rooftop while Harnessed. Harness worked, my pants pulled where penis was most vulnerable. Been using Castor Oil which has been beneficial. Somewhere there was a claim about red light therapy. They didn’t provide any more information since Blog was old and comments where closed. I’ve wanting to build something for genital area using led lights. Can hurt any worse than I already am LOL
Sorry to hear about that man. Sounds very unlucky and painful. Since this issue involves scar tissue, it would have been better to use red light as soon as possible after the injury, helping to encourage healing without scarring.
Now that you already have scar tissue, changes and results will be a lot slower, but it might be worth applying around 50mW/cm2 of red or NIR light every day for 5-10 minutes.
what is the best training schedule in order to achieve the best results? and how many times a day?
Is the red mini 670 enough to start applying?
When could I expect to see the first results?
Thank you
Hi Joe: I just received my mini 670, my question is similar to Jose’s above. What distance from the testes for a mini 670? The paper included said very close or touching for other applications. When I get that close to the testes they get warm but not hot from the light. Is that OK? Exposure times for that distance? Thanks very much
For potentially improving testosterone/fertility in the testes, I would use that light from 15cm+ away, for just a couple of minutes a day, ensuring absolutely no warming or heating effect.
For vasodilation, I would use it on various parts of the body, again from 15cm away, but for longer periods.
I am using your Infrared Mini 830 Light Device at 15cm away from my testes for about 6 minutes a couple of times a week? Do you think 6 minutes is too much time? Should I reduce time exposure by half and/or use the Red Mini 670 Light Device instead for testosterone and fertility maintenance?
Red Mini 670 for ED and other treatment areas? Using the Red Mini 670 on the face and eyes you mentioned getting red blockers but keeping your eyes closed will work in the short term. Will using the red light tighten skin and boost collagen production? If you do not use red blockers are there potential long term consequence of using in eye area at a distance?
Hi Wyatt,
There are studies with red light on the eyes, including conditions such as cataracts, amd, etc. Some studies even look into the effects on general visual acuity. So the long term consequences for vision are interesting.
It is studied quite a lot for skin health and function too, yes.
Thanks Joe!
If I keep the light 10 inches away or so, is that ok to do without eye protection on the eyes?
Yep, and even closer is ok without eye protection. Caution/eye protection for laser light products is essential (due to the way to lens in your eye can focus the laser beam), but not for red/infrared LED products.
What about sun exposure? When is red light emitted from the sun? at all times? only at dusk/dawn? I bought tan-through shorts that allow light to penetrate them but I’m not sure if red light penetrates them or not…so a lot of questions here…
Sunlight is a mixture of all visible colours. Red light does come from the sun at all times, but in different proportions at different times of day. An effect called ‘Raleigh scattering’ in the atmosphere filters out the sun’s blue light, spreading it across the sky.
At dusk/dawn the sunlight has to travel through more atmosphere to reach you, so there is less blue and more red. At midday, sunlight travels through less atmosphere to reach you, so there is relatively more blue.
Blue light and heat are detrimental to the testes so I would not advise exposing them to sunlight for long.
‘Tanning’ occurs with the lower UV wavelengths. Red light actually does not tan you and protects you from UV induced skin damage.
If red light or the other visible wavelengths could penetrate your shorts in any significant way, you would be able to see through them.
Which products do you recommend for treating ED?
I do not give out medical advice for specific conditions.
However many people have noted that long use of either red or infrared light anywhere on the body will improve potency, most likely through the release of nitric oxide into the blood and the increase in CO2 production, both of which potentially have effects on vasodilation.
For the Red Mini 670, is the light collimated (true laser) or LEDs?
Thank you
i’ve been using the laser cap (capillius, 272 diode, 650nm) and it’s working very well! I havent felt these sensations for about 10 years.
I use it for a little under 1 hour. I place the cap over my groin while i lay down, so it is 1-5cm away from my groin.
It’s a cold laser so it doesn’t get ‘hotter’ than the temperature of bath water, so it can’t be dangerous,right?
Have you measured the EMF output of that? Both the magnetic field and electric field. That would be my main concern.
Needing 1 hour exposure indicates an exceptionally weak light source.
The testes hang outside of the torso to maintain a lower temperature (body temp = 37 degrees C. Testicle temp = 35 degrees C). Studies show even a 1 degree increase in scrotum temperature (to 36 degrees C) will harm sperm quality and therefore testosterone levels. Bath water temperature is in excess of that and not going to be healthy down there, if done regularly.
Thanks for the info.
My laser cap helmet is designed to treat hairloss and it is FDA cleared. So don’t you think its EMF is well within the safety level?
My only concern is the temperature level, maybe I could place a bottle of water underneath my scrotum? Or an small ice pack?
Looks like that macho grande post is only measuring the AC magnetic field, which is only minor factor in overall EMF pollution. The AC electric field is more significant in terms of health effects, and the issue to measure with regards to lights/LEDs/lasers.
I don’t think FDA cleared means anything with regards to EMFs as you have hairdryers and microwaves which put out massive EMFs.
If you could find a way to keep your scrotum at 35 degrees C then that would be good.
What do you mean by significant side effects?
There aren’t any side effects for using LLLT to treat alopecia. So how would it potentially differ in this situation?
I didn’t mention significant side effects of LLLT specifically, I was talking about AC electric fields, which can be from anything, like desk fans, induction hobs, heaters, and potentially unearthed laser helmets.
As we have already discussed, using light on the scrotum would be different to the scalp due to the heat sensitivity. It would also be bad for the scalp/brain and testes due to AC electric field exposure. The benefits of red light in a helmet might outweigh the negatives of the AC electric field in the scalp cells, but I wouldn’t want something like that near my brain/testes. I do not recommend any insertable or wearable light therapy device that exists today for this reason.
All of our devices are properly checked and designed for mitigate EMFs, so that you are only getting the actual light at the correct treatment distance.
so how can i minimize potential harm caused by AC electric fields?
What i were to place the device further away from my groin, say 20cm? and covered up my scrotum,…
Make sure the device is earthed, especially the active circuit area.
Measure the EMF output with something like a Trifield 100 XE meter to determine how far away you need to use it.
I have been experimenting with near infrared lights for years. I built my first grids using IR light discs from security cameras and used it for lower back pain (amazingly effective, though partially because of the heat penetration), varicose veins, foot pain, etc. I would lay these discs directly on the skin. They would get pretty warm after about 8-9 minutes and results for deeper conditions were less than hoped but still effective to some degree.
Lately I got a new (for me) type of light made for night hunters and it’s vastly stronger and runs completely cool because the LED is behind a lens system. I use IR to treat a variety of things and since IR penetrates through bone it’s great for brain issues as well. That is where my primary interest is these days.
Here is a link to a unit like I am using ..
Some people call these torches and they are capable of beams of 250 feet in the dark. Users actually claim even further. The optics make it focus-able. When I tried mine on a wide angle it wasn’t too effective but on a narrow angle it really works. For me this is a game changer. So much power, and cool at the same time! I have treated some areas for up to 25 minutes and at that point the barrel of the light gets a little warm but the lens and light itself stays cool.
Note that there are cheap knockoffs that use normal batteries and that’s just not gonna work. They are WAY too weak. Get a unit with a rechargeable battery. These units are powered by 3-4 volts. The optics and a strong Osram LED, which is the best LED mfr and are quite strong. Some of these units have cheaper LEDs and it’s not worth it IMO. Also note these rechargeable batteries are not cheap but only need one. There are knock off batteries which are not worth it IMO. I bought a different kit than the link but it isn’t available now. I did that to make sure that I got a good battery which came packaged with the light so you know that the mfr isn’t gonna send you a crappy knock off battery.
I’ve been paralyzed by spinal cord injury [C6/7] for twenty years and have been physically impotent the whole time due to loss of spinal connections between my brain and penis. Basically, no arousal signals result in no local nitric oxide release hence no erection. On a lark, I recently tried applying red light directly to the base of my member and its shaft over veins as the appear and begin to dilate. My light source, by the way, is a 630-650nm 5w flashlight I bought on EBay. As tested by a solar meter with the light’s plastic lens and lens housing removed [to bring the diode closer to the skin] it produces a maximum of 140mw/cm2. However, to keep from overheating my skin, I’ve adjusted the diode’s depth so with the flashlight placed directly on my skin it delivers–with batteries fully charged–between 50 to 60mw/cm2. Within 5 to 10 minutes of application–moving it to various places as described above–I become between 75% to 85% hard. otherwise impossible result without the red light. Early morning or late at night give the best results whereas afternoons the least. My ongoing problem is the process that traps blood in the engorged penis is also dysfunctional in most men with SCI, and it’s certain dysfunctional in me. Therefore, instead of growing fully hard through increased blood flow, my penis still loses blood almost as fast as the increased blood flow swells it. If I can artificially invoke this added step, I should be able to happily reach [pun intended] a full 100%.
new study: july 2018 Effects of light-emitting diodes irradiation on erections.
Effects of light-emitting diodes irradiation on human vascular endothelial cells
Endothelial cell proliferation is a hallmark of angiogenesis and plays a key role in the process of tissue repair. Low-intensity (670 nm) laser irradiation influences endothelial cell proliferation in vitro. Light in the near infrared spectrum may have clinical applications in erectile dysfunction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of irradiation with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) at different wavelengths on human vascular endothelial cells in vitro. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were irradiated with LEDs at 410, 480, 595, and 630 nm in doses of 1, 2.5, 5, and 10 J/cm2. After 24 h of LED irradiation, effects on cell viability, nitric oxide (NO) secretion, and eNOS expression were assessed by using cell viability assays, Western blot, and real time-polymerase chain reaction, respectively. The cell viability assay demonstrated that irradiation with LEDs at 630 nm significantly increased the proliferation of HUVECs. In addition, irradiation with LEDs at 630 nm was more effective in stimulating NO secretion and eNOS expression from HUVECs than irradiation with LEDs at 410, 480, and 595 nm. Irradiation with LEDs at 630 nm was effective for inducing cell proliferation, NO secretion, and eNOS expression in HUVECs. These results suggest that irradiation with LEDs at 630 nm may be a therapeutic strategy for vasculogenic erectile dysfunction.
You are welcome guys!
Joe. I wonder why they have not come up with a bed like a tanning bed with this red light therapy? Coast? Sounds like it could make people healthier and live longer? I’m 55 and having ED just a little. My wife swears by this red light therapy. She bought a device from you. I’m game to try it!! Just wonder if their is a bigger device that can be bought instead of a small hand held device? Thanks for any advice!!!
There are large tanning bed style red light therapy beds available – the good ones cost more than a house though. Then there are other issues with things like heat and EMFs which make them not ideal.
i want to use red light for yeast infection and Erectile Dysfunction but i don’t know how to use red light for them
could you help me?
I am not allowed to give medical advice for specific people and specific conditions.
If you look at studies on yeast infections, you find the researchers achieved good results with fairly high doses of red or nir light.
The same applies for ED, although it does depend on the cause of the ED.
Hello. Someone sent me here. I want to get one of the mini device (pure red) as that what I can afford:
1) Which of the mini devices is best to help ED?
2) How much is shipping to Nigeria, West Africa? And how many days to get to me?
If red light boost collagen production is it safe to use it on penis??? because there is Peyronie’s disease which is linked to increase collagen production in penis…
Hello Joe I was wondering if red light and laser therapy would be effective and safe? I have a device called the irestore laser helmet which gives off LED red light and also laser combined. the wavelengths are I think 640-665! Of course it is for growing hair but I thought maybe it would be effective against ED
i had taken DHEA supplements for several years and I read about light therapy on your website and began to wonder if it could reverse the atrophy that had visibly shrunk my testicles, so I bought a red/infrared light 8 days ago, shining it on testicles for 20 minutes a day, sometimes twice a day. The light began working on day 1!
I dont have a way to measure them, but my testicles are heavier and fuller feeling, and appear to bulge more, and my scrotum appears a bit tighter. I feel like they’ve been re-activated. I’m experiencing evidence of raised testosterone, such as more oily skin, for example, and an uptick in increase in aggressiveness and libido, and just an overall better sense of wellbeing and the better sense of my “maleness”
Other things i’ve noticed – my appetite has decreased a bit? Less of an urge to snack at night. Better focus/concentration. More physical and mental energy. Its wild how this works. I’m struggling to explain the benefits to my friends without sounding crazy, but the best way I can is to compare it to ‘spring fever’.
is it more beneficial to have an erection when applying the Red Light?
Possibly, although unstudied and unknown at the moment.
More blood flow in the area would mean a higher volume receiving light therapy, so it makes sense.
I really like the write-up and connection. I found this page after looking for primary research connecting CO2 with ED. Like you, I find lots of evidence on CO2 and Cerebral Blood Flow, a little on permissive hypercapnia and vasodilation, but nothing specifically ED-related. Logically I have the same POV as you.
Hi Joe, I have the infrared mini 830, actually it is on the way now. What distance and time interval should I use for ED? Will this light work or will I need to get the 670? Thanks for your help, Jim
That’s perfect. Just use as close as possible really, even touching the skin.
Session times at that close range (perineum area) only need to be around 3 minutes or so.
Session times anywhere else on the body can be as long as 5-8 minutes, from a distance up to 15cm / 6 inches, if you are looking for deeper penetration into biological tissue.
Joe, I just purchased a 670 mini and was wondering if I could shine it on my perineum to help get more blood flow to the prostate. Do you know if this is safe? If so what distance and time is recommended? Thanks in advance.
Is it more beneficial to have an erection when appling red light
Serious question. Red light is used to grow hair. Will using red light on my pp make it hairy?
Red light improves cellular function. In stressed hair follicles this can translate to improved hair health/growth.
However in normal skin cells, or cells elsewhere, there’s no reason to think that red light leads to new hair follicle formation.
So, no, red light used on the male genitalia or elsewhere (on the face for example) won’t make the area more hairy than otherwise.
do you have any reviews or feedback for red light for enlargement penis ?
and how many inches can be gain in how many months?
Hi John. For the temporary ‘enlargement’ you get with an erectile response, yes…but I think you mean a permanent increase in overall penis size. In that case, no.
I suppose it might help if used during puberty, when the penis is growing anyway and the hormonal environment is ideal. If there is a metabolic issue interfering with the penis growth seen during puberty, then red light will resolve that and allow optimal growth.
For an adult though, it might be useful in conjuction with some sort of hormonal treatment, but alone will not cause penis enlargement.
thank you for replying
After having sex for long and tiring hours, it is normal for the penis to lose its erection at this moment. If the red light is applied, will I get an erection immediately and continue having sex?
My king…It does increase local temporary vasodilation, so might help, yes. Probably better to relax for a day or two though. How many wives have you got, sir?
i sorry joe i didn’t understand your answer i am using translator and because indirect answer and short cuts it couldn’t translate properly
would you repeat yr answer my friend using formal language
but iv understood yr last question ☺️
i have one wife only and my only wish with her is making love till my last breath
regards joe
I have read that red light therapy can be effective in reducing hypertension. Do you agree with this assessment and if so what product would you recommend for this?